Event information

4 October 2022, 13:15-14:45
Register start 12 September 2022
Register end 4 October 2022


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Strike While It's Hot: Protecting and Advancing Human Rights Online


Persons walking in front of a blue wall Persons walking in front of a blue wall

This side event at the margins of the 51st session of the United Nations (UN) Human Rights Council (HRC) – co-organized by our Geneva Human Rights Platform, Access Now, the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs and Costa Rica – will discuss areas of progress as well as critical gaps in the international affirmation and protection of human rights in the digital age.


The rise of authoritarianism and humanitarian crises continue to lay bare deep digital inequities across the globe. With disparities in connectivity, digital security, privacy, and freedom of expression and opinion impossible to ignore, it is more critical than ever to ensure that resolutions and initiatives within UN human rights mechanisms are fit for purpose in our digital age.

This year, the HRC celebrates a decade of work defining digital rights and applying the human rights framework to the online sphere. As humanitarian actors, development agencies, and private sector businesses seek guidance in navigating digital transformation – including to proliferation of new and emerging technologies –, the HRC can fill gaps in both normative understanding, legal guidance and concrete practice.

Opening Remarks

  • Nathalie Marti, Ambassador, Vice-Director, Directorate of International Law, Federal Department of Foreign Affairs


  • Felix Kirchmeier, Executive Director, Geneva Human Rights Platform


  • Ahmed Shaheed, Former UN Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Religion or Belief and Professor, University of Essex
  • Ana Beduschi, Professor of Law at the University of Exeter
  • Khalid Ibrahim, Executive Director, Gulf Centre for Human Rights
  • Laura O’Brien, Senior UN Advocacy Officer, Access Now

Panelists will notably:

  • Identify areas of progress as well as critical gaps in the international affirmation and legal framework to protect human rights in the digital age
  • Discuss new solutions and pursue the goal of an open and secure digital space based on international law that centres on those most at risk
  • Leverage findings to engage with and educate member states and other relevant stakeholders on international, national, and local levels.


A light lunch will be served from 12:45


Strike While It's Hot Protecting and Advancing Human Rights Online

This side event at the margins of the 51st session of the United Nations (UN) Human Rights Council (HRC) – co-organized by our Geneva Human Rights Platform, Access Now, the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs and Costa Rica – which discussed areas of progress as well as critical gaps in the international affirmation and protection of human rights in the digital age.


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