23 September 2021, 13:00-15:00
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As part of its ongoing work focused on business and human rights in conflict-affected areas, the United Nations (UN) Working Group on Business and Human Rights is developing a guidance note that will include practical recommendations for those engaged in the design and implementation of remediation processes in transitional justice contexts.
To help inform the forthcoming guidance, the UN Working Group invites relevant experts (including academics, business, civil society, government, and UN representatives) to participate in an online consultation hosted by the Geneva Academy.
The discussion will address questions such as the relationship between reparations, development, and peacebuilding; how to incentivize business participation in transitional justice; understanding business responsibility; practical implications for non-judicial grievance mechanisms; broader reflections and lessons learned.
Besides this online consultation, the UN Working Group has also issued a call for written inputs (deadline: 18 October 2021).
The Working Group has recognized that improving access to remedy (pillar III of the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights) in situations of post-conflict transitional justice is complex but necessary. As the Working Group explained in its report on business, human rights and conflict presented to the 2020 UN General Assembly, in situations of transitional justice ‘businesses have a responsibility to remedy their past behaviour’ and “should engage with relevant transitional justice processes and contribute to truth, reparation and guarantees of non-recurrence where appropriate.” How this should occur is sometimes unclear for states, businesses, and civil society, however.
A new working paper, 'AI Decoded: Key Concepts and Applications of Artificial Intelligence for Human Rights and SDG Monitoring', has been published by the Geneva Human Rights Platform.
Geneva Academy
The Geneva Human Rights Platform contributed to key discussions on AI, human rights, and sustainable digital governance at the World Economic Forum 2025.
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This panel event explores the role that emotions play in the development, deployment, and regulation of artificial intelligence in warfare.
This event will identify strategies to strengthen Local and Regional Government collaboration with National Mechanisms for Implementation, Reporting, and Follow-up.
Participants in this training course will be introduced to the major international and regional instruments for the promotion of human rights, as well as international environmental law and its implementation and enforcement mechanisms.
This training course will delve into the means and mechanisms through which national actors can best coordinate their human rights monitoring and implementation efforts, enabling them to strategically navigate the UN human rights system and use the various mechanisms available in their day-to-day work.
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This project addresses the human rights implications stemming from the development of neurotechnology for commercial, non-therapeutic ends, and is based on a partnership between the Geneva Academy, the Geneva University Neurocentre and the UN Human Rights Council Advisory Committee.
As a yearly publication, it keeps decision-makers, practitioners and scholars up-to-date with the latest trends and challenges in IHL implementation in over 100 armed conflicts worldwide – both international and non-international.
Geneva Academy