Event information

8 November 2019, 12:30-13:30


Flyer >

The Investigator: Demons of the Balkan War - A Talk and Book Launch with Vladimír Dzuro


Image of Vladimír Dzuro in the cover of the flyer of the event Image of Vladimír Dzuro in the cover of the flyer of the event

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Vladimír Dzuro is a former investigator with the Office of the Prosecutor at the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) in The Hague. During the 1990s he worked in the team responsible for clarifying the crimes committed in the former Yugoslavia.

In his book The Investigator, he tells the dramatic situations he experienced during these years. The foreword for his book was written by Carla del Ponte, who used to be the ICTY Chief Prosecutor.


  • Thomas Unger, Co-Director, Master of Advanced Studies in Transitional Justice, Human Rights and the Rule of Law, Geneva Academy


  • Vladimir Dzuro, Former Investigator,  ICTY Office of the Prosecutor and author of the book
  • Petr Gajdusek, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of the Czech Republic to the United Nations Office and the other international organizations in Geneva


Light refreshments will be served after the event. After the event, there will be a possibility to purchase the book with an autograph.


You need to register via an online form to attend this talk and book launch.

Please note that your registration information will also be shared with the Geneva Peacebuilding Platform (the key Facilitator of Geneva Peace Week) for the purpose of compiling anonymous statistics on event attendance. You can consult our Privacy Policy for further information about the use of your personal data.


The Investigator Demons of the Balkan War: A Talk and Book Launch with Vladimír Dzuro

In this 2019 Geneva Peace Week event, Vladimír Dzuro, a former investigator with the Office of the Prosecutor at the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia, tells the dramatic situations he experienced during the 1990s when he worked in the team responsible for clarifying the crimes committed in the former Yugoslavia.



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As an Associate at the International Committee of the Red Cross in the Persons Deprived of Liberty Unit, Hiran Geeganage supports the development of a methodology for monitoring and reporting on the institution’s detention activities. In this interview, he tells about the programme, fond memories and what it brought to his career.

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