Event information

30 September 2019, 13:30-17:00


Programme >

Public Conference: Peasants' Rights in Europe


Tractor at work in a field (Mombaldone, Piemonte, NW Italy) Tractor at work in a field (Mombaldone, Piemonte, NW Italy)

Logos Via Campesina and European Economic and Social Committee

In December 2018, the United Nations (UN) Declaration on the rights of peasants and other people working in rural areas (UNDROP) was adopted by the UN General Assembly in New York by a large majority of countries.

This public conference, co-organized with the European Coordination Via Campesina, the European Economic and Social Committee, will discuss the implementation of the UNDROP in Europe and its contribution to the SDGs and the UN Decade of Family Farming. It will also debate its relevance for the European Union (EU) and for the European continent.

Representatives of UN agencies, EU institutions, academics, experts and peasants from Europe will notably:

  • Share information about the UNDROP and the UNDFF
  • Promote the implementation of the UNDROP in Europe
  • Highlight the relationship between the UNDROP and the UNDFF on issues such as food and agriculture policies, seeds and biodiversity.

A detailed agenda of the conference will be available soon.


You need to register via an online form to attend this public conference. If you have any problem in registering please write to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Registration closes on 26 September 2019.

Our Research on this Issue

Our Research Brief The Implementation of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Peasants and Other People Working in Rural Areas discusses the roles and responsibilities of governments, parliaments, domestic courts, National Human Rights Institutions, UN specialized agencies, funds and programmes, the UN Human Rights Council, regional organizations and human rights mechanisms, the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), and the Committee on World Food Security in implementing the UNDROP. It also stresses that the UNDROP should be mainstreamed into the strategies aimed at achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Our publication The Right to Seeds in Europe focuses on the steps that the European Union (EU) and EU member states shall take, via the implementation of the UNDROP, to better protect this right in Europe.



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