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26 October 2023


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2023 Current Issues in Armed Conflict Conference

Current Issues in Armed Conflict Conference

Ruined houses of Borodianka, Ukraine Ruined houses of Borodianka, Ukraine

The Geneva Academy and the Conflict and Crisis Hub at the University of Essex are pleased to announce a new format for their annual joint conference on Current Issues in Armed Conflict (CIAC). The conference has three objectives:

  • To provide a space for debate and discussion on current issues in armed conflict under international law, with a broad spectrum of topics including international humanitarian law (IHL), international refugee law, international criminal law (ICL), and transitional justice.
  • To offer a space for early career researchers to present their work and receive feedback from established international experts.
  • To foster and develop the global community of humanitarian law scholars, through an online platform promoting inclusivity and diversity of voices.

The conference will take place online. Each panel will be chaired by an expert from the conference board, who will provide feedback on the presentations and will guide the discussion. The final session will be devoted to a moderated open discussion among all participants of the day, providing further opportunities to debate additional issues and develop connections among participants for future collaboration.


Discover the conference's programme.

About CIAC

This annual conference – co-organized with the University of Essex – provides a space for experts and practitioners, diplomats, academics, young scholars and civil society representatives to discuss contemporary legal issues in armed conflict.


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As a yearly publication, it keeps decision-makers, practitioners and scholars up-to-date with the latest trends and challenges in IHL implementation in over 100 armed conflicts worldwide – both international and non-international.

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Rule of Law in Armed Conflicts (RULAC)

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