Event information

17 May 2023, 18:20-20:30
Register start 26 April 2023
Register end 17 May 2023

Screening of Documentary ‘I am Chance’ by Marc-Henri Wajnberg


Poster of the documentary Poster of the documentary

‘I am Chance’ is a multi-award-winning documentary on the realities of street children in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo. It has been selected in 38 festivals and has been awarded 12 times (including the Amade Award given by The foundation of Princess Grace of Monaco and the Best Documentary Award given by the European Children's Film Association.

Its screening – co-organized by our Geneva Human Rights Platform with the Permanent Mission of Belgium to the UN in Geneva, the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, the Centre for Children’s Rights Studies of the University of Geneva, Defence for Children International, Dynamo International, the Consortium of Street Children and Wajnbrosse Productions – will be followed by a short discussion on how the documentary portrays the many challenges faced by children in street situations and the ways in which United Nations (UN) human rights mechanisms (see General Comment No. 21 by the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child on children in street situations), civil society and academia act to uphold their rights.


  • Edwin De Boeve, Director, Dynamo International


  • Marc-Henri Wajnberg, « I am Chance » Documentary Director and Founder of the new « Horizon » center project for girls living in the streets in Kinshasa 
  • Daphna Hacker, Member, UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women
  • Suzanne Aho, Member, UN Committee on the Rights of the Child
  • Christelle Molima Bameka, PhD, Centre for Children’s Rights Studies, University of Geneva


A cocktail will be offered by the Permanent Mission of Belgium and the University of Geneva Centre for Children's Rights Studies after the panel discussion.


I am Chance

‘I am Chance’ is a multi-award-winning documentary on the realities of street children in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo. The documentary follows the microcosm of a group of street-savvy girls in the surprisingly bright, pop and artistic megacity of Kinshasa and has been presented at many festivals and has been awarded several prizes.

The Film's Page

Visit the film's webpage for more information.


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