Event information

27 January 2023, 14:00-16:00


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Mayors, Human Rights and the UN Universal Periodic Review


The Universal Periodic Review (UPR) is a State-driven process led under the auspices of the UN Human Rights Council. Its goal is to support human rights and address violations everywhere. It provides the opportunity for each State to indicate what actions they have taken to protect human rights and fulfil their obligations.

Given that human rights are also protected and fulfilled at the local level, notably through public services provided by Local and Regional Governments (LRGs), the participation of LRGs would add much value to the UPR.

In light of the above, the Geneva Cities Hub have recently launched a Coalition for the participation of LRGs in the UPR. The coalition seeks to promote the involvement of LRGs in the UPR, garner support for human rights at all levels of government and enhance their implementation on the ground.

This event will address the following questions:

  • How can the protection and implementation of human rights at the local level be better taken into account by the UPR?
  • How can the UPR be used by Mayors and their cities to enhance the protection and implementation of human rights at the local level?
  • What resources and capacities are needed for Mayors and their cities to engage in UPR?
  • What “best practices” of human rights can be shared by Mayors?

Opening remarks and Speakers

  • Kamelia Kemileva, Co-Director, Geneva Cities Hub
  • H.E. Federico Villegas, Permanent Representative, Argentina
  • H.E. Jürg Lauber, Permanent Representative, Switzerland
  • Christof Meier, Zürich Mayor’s Office, Head of the Integration Office, City of Zürich, Switzerland
  • Rodolphe Barbaroux, Evian Mayor’s Office, Sustainable Development Goals’ Coordinator, City of Evian, France
  • Nargiz Arupova, Programme Manager, UPR Info
  • Gianni Magazzeni, Chief, UPR Branch, Office of the UN High-Commissioner for Human Rights


To attend online, please announce yourself at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Access to the room is limited to people accredited to the Palais des Nations.


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