Event information

5 April 2019, 12:00-14:00


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Evidentiary Challenges in Universal Jurisdiction Cases


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This discussion follows the publication of the Universal Jurisdiction Annual Review 2019 by TRIAL International, which focuses on the challenges of investigating and prosecuting mass crimes remotely. The report, which analyses 60 cases across 16 countries, also looks at creative solutions that have been found to overcome them.

Moderation and Closing Remarks

  • Marco Sassòli, Professor at the University of Geneva and Director of the Geneva Academy


  • Philip Grant, Director, TRIAL International


  • Eric Emeraux, Head of the French Central Office to Fight Crimes against Humanity, Genocides and War Crimes
  • Montse Ferrer, Senior Legal Advisor and Investigator, TRIAL International
  • Emanuelle Marchand, Senior Legal Counsel, Civitas Maxima


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