Main Functions

IMPACT OSS is an Open Source Software (OSS) for Integrated Management and Planning of ACTions (IMPACT), created to assist states with coordinating and monitoring the implementation of international human rights recommendations, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and also to communicate implementation progress to the public.

Each national version of IMPACT OSS offers the following main functions:

  • Maintain, categorize/cluster and filter recommendations and targets from multiple ‘frameworks’. Two main versions exist: Version 1 includes international human rights mechanisms and the SDGs whereas Version 2 also includes national development strategies as an additional framework
  • Maintain, categorize/cluster and filter (government) actions and activities from multiple agencies and organizations, as well as link them with one or more recommendations
  • Define indicators for actions including a reporting schedule, as well as assign them to relevant users for reporting progress
  • Enter (scheduled and unscheduled) progress reports for indicators, as well as send automatic email reminders to assigned users ahead and after scheduled reporting dates
  • Identify implementation gaps
  • Map overlap across human rights recommendations, the SDGs and national development plans to create efficiencies in data entry.


  • Maintainance: Impact Open Source Software Trust
  • Administration: National Mechanisms for Implementation Reporting and Follow-up / Lead ministry officials or National Human Rights Institution (NHRI)
  • Update: Ministry focal points and/or NHRI focal points.


  • Duty bearers – primarily to coordinate, track and report on human rights obligations, the SDGs and national development plans. Additionally, as a resource for policy formulation
  • NHRIs and civil society organizations – to contribute data relating to human rights, the SDGs and national development plans, and to hold governments to account for the overall implementation of these commitments
  • Development partners – to identify implementation gaps and potential areas of support
  • United Nations treaty bodies, special procedures and Human Rights Council – a resource for reviewing country progress against recommendations and prior to country visits or reviews
  • General public – an accountability resource for rights holders and a resource for a range of stakeholders including academics, students, etc.

Discover Version 1 ‘Human Rights and SDGs’ Discover Version 2 ‘Frameworks, Including National Development Strategies ’