Main Functions
SIMORE Plus (Sistema de Monitoreo de Recomendaciones en Derechos Humanos) is a digital monitoring and reporting tool designed to track the implementation of recommendations from the United Nations (UN) human rights mechanisms as well as cases from the Inter-American Court of Human Rights. Firstly introduced in Paraguay as a joint initiative between its Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Justice and the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) Paraguay office, SIMORE Plus is now used in several other Latin American countries, including Chile, the Dominican Republic, Guatemala, Honduras, Uruguay, Argentina, Costa Rica as well as by the Organization of American States (OAS).
In Paraguay, SIMORE Plus works on the basis of a network of focal points belonging to public institutions of the executive, judicial and legislative branches of government and other relevant institutions responsible for the implementation and follow-up of the recommendations.
As a permanent inter-institutional mechanism, each national version of SIMORE Plus offers the following two main functions:
- [Open Access] Compiling and systematizing recommendations and observations received from both UN and regional human rights mechanisms, linking the monitoring of international human rights recommendations to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and their targets as well as facilitating the identification of relevant implementing ministries and state institutions. In such a way, SIMORE Plus facilitates public access to updated information on the implementation of international human rights recommendations, including relevant steps taken by relevant ministries and state institutions.
- [Registration Required] Facilitating the preparation of national reports and investigations on the situation of human rights in the country, allowing government representatives to provide regular input on the progress made vis-à-vis each recommendation. Through a specific portal within SIMORE Plus, the OSC-Plus, civil society organizations may register and make comments and observations on the progress made by the relevant ministries and state institutions to implement international human rights recommendations. These comments and observations are notified to both the administrators as well as to the network of focal points responsible for follow-up in all relevant ministries and state institutions, promoting citizen participation, transparency and accountability.
SIMORE Plus is administered by the General Human Rights Unit of the Paraguay Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the General Directorate of Human Rights at the Paraguay Ministry of Justice. The same two Ministries coordinate the network of focal points that are responsible for updating the tool with the progress made towards the implementation of international human rights recommendations.
- Everyone can access the compilation of recommendations and observations, which include information on the ministries responsible for each recommendation and the progress made towards implementation.
- The SIMORE User Regulations establish the creation of a network of focal points from the competent public institutions of the three branches of government and other relevant organizations. Today the main users of the tool amount to 170 focal points belonging to approximately 70 public institutions and other relevant institutions responsible for the implementation and follow-up of the recommendations.
- Upon registration through the OSC-Plus portal, civil society representatives may also provide their input on the progress of implementation.
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